Sliding gate with custom steel post
Decorative panel chopsticks gate
modern out of the box gate
laser cut grass double door gate
Alberta Street style wide slatted gates.
Security gates, Louis York Apartments, St. Johns.
Gate with arbor
Detail: gate with arbor.
Driveway grass inpired gate
Mixed media in steel
raindrop pattern
Chop sticks fence-Tall
Double door gate with steel cage arbor.
Double door gates for a modern Japanese style garden.
Linear minimalistic fence design.
Curved corner fence- minimalistic linear fence design.
3"open grid fence design.
Sliding gate with custom steel post
Sliding gate with custom steel post
Decorative panel chopsticks gate
Decorative panel chopsticks gate
modern out of the box gate
modern out of the box gate
laser cut grass double door gate
laser cut grass double door gate
Alberta Street style wide slatted gates.
Alberta Street style wide slatted gates.
Security gates, Louis York Apartments, St. Johns.
Security gates, Louis York Apartments, St. Johns.
Gate with arbor
Gate with arbor
Detail: gate with arbor.
Detail: gate with arbor.
Driveway grass inpired gate
Driveway grass inpired gate

Powder coated steel gate.

Mixed media in steel
Mixed media in steel

A collage of steel parts, layered to create depth.

raindrop pattern
raindrop pattern

Fence and gate for the Montessori School of Beaverton.

Chop sticks fence-Tall
Chop sticks fence-Tall

Hand build security fence and 2 gates.

Double door gate with steel cage arbor.
Double door gate with steel cage arbor.
Double door gates for a modern Japanese style garden.
Double door gates for a modern Japanese style garden.
Linear minimalistic fence design.
Linear minimalistic fence design.
Curved corner fence- minimalistic linear fence design.
Curved corner fence- minimalistic linear fence design.
3"open grid fence design.
3"open grid fence design.