3 artworks
Fence and garden art
2 door Craftsman style fireplace screen
Sliding outdoor fireplace door
Wood storage and firepit
Wood storage and firepit
Wood storage and firepit
outdoor storage bench
Industrial planter boxes
Porch guardrail
Boomerang mid century porch trellis
Mid century tall porch guardrail
Red chopsticks trellis
Mid century guard railing
Modern blued steel for fireplace
6 foot diameter art features
Chopsticks design exterior staircase guardrail
Corriander design balcony railing
White railings
fireplace screen
Detail Fireplace screen.
Fireplace screen
3 artworks
3 artworks
Fence and garden art
Fence and garden art
2 door Craftsman style fireplace screen
2 door Craftsman style fireplace screen
Sliding outdoor fireplace door
Sliding outdoor fireplace door
Wood storage and firepit
Wood storage and firepit

6 feet high, 12 feet wide, and 24” deep.

Wood storage and firepit
Wood storage and firepit
Wood storage and firepit
Wood storage and firepit
outdoor storage bench
outdoor storage bench
Industrial planter boxes
Industrial planter boxes
Porch guardrail
Porch guardrail
Boomerang mid century porch trellis
Boomerang mid century porch trellis
Mid century tall porch guardrail
Mid century tall porch guardrail
Red chopsticks trellis
Red chopsticks trellis
Mid century guard railing
Mid century guard railing
Modern blued steel for fireplace
Modern blued steel for fireplace
6 foot diameter art features
6 foot diameter art features
Chopsticks design exterior staircase guardrail
Chopsticks design exterior staircase guardrail
Corriander design balcony railing
Corriander design balcony railing
White railings
White railings
fireplace screen
fireplace screen

Hand cut and forge hammered screen. Custom handle, and feet. The screen title towards you, allowing for ease when rekindling the fire.

Detail Fireplace screen.
Detail Fireplace screen.
Fireplace screen
Fireplace screen